Search algorithms

The Tweakwise app allows you to stack up various steps onto the search algorithm funnel.

You can edit the order of these algorithms yourself.

When a search action is executed, it:

  • starts at the upper algorithm.
  • No results? Then it continues to the next algorithm.
  • If there is a result, the funnel will stop and show the matching products that it found.

You should maintain the following basic set up for the search algorithm, including the order:

Algorithm Explanation

Number recognition

Compares the input to the product's Tweakwise product number.

Exact match

Compares the input to the selected property in the dropdown.

Category match This algorithm searches for a match based on a category name.
Word Search

This algorithm searches for a match on all terms in the query based on the search properties setup.


Autocorrection corrects typos but doesn't search for anything.

Word Search

This algorithm searches for a match on all terms in the corrected query based on the search properties setup.

Fuzzy Search

This algorithm searches for all separate terms in the query.

Want to know exactly how the algorithms work? Read these articles:

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