A stop word is a word with no linguistic meaning, like ‘the’, ‘a’ and ‘an’. Tweakwise contains a stoplist for 9 different languages. These words are filtered out of the index because they generally aren’t relevant to the search requests.
By removing these words, the search function will become faster and more effective. This can cause an issue when a stop word should be included in the search, for example when a stop word is part of a product name. In this case the search results will be empty or incomplete because the word is excluded from the index.
If a stop word needs to be removed from the stop list, please contact Tweakwise Support. The following articles provide an overview of the stoplists in every language we support:
- Dutch - Which words are on the stop list?
- English - Which words are on the stop list?
- German - Which words are on the stop list?
- French - Which words are on the stop list?
- Spanish- Which words are on the stop list?
- Italian- Which words are on the stop list?
- Portuguese- Which words are on the stop list?
- Norwegian - Which words are on the stop list?
- Swedish - Which words are on the stop list?