
With Insights, you get more insight into the various modules.

If you would like to make use of this feature, please contact your Customer Success Manager.

Based on reports via Power BI, your data from Tweakwise is clearly displayed and compared with the average. This allows you to use these insights to improve your configurations.

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The following reports are available for this purpose:

  • Filtering Usage. View the most used filters and filter values over the past month at instance,-, shop,- or category level.
  • Search Algorithm Usage. Get more insight into the search phrases used by website visitors. This information allows you to see how well your search algorithm scores, also compared to the average among Tweakwise users. It also gives more insight into what website visitors search for but don't get results on.
  • Usage. This report gives you clear insight into your usage of Tweakwise which corresponds to the invoices received. Look back up to a year to compare previous months with current consumption.
  • Tasks. The report contains an overview of all the executed tasks during the last 6 weeks. Additionally, all details per task execution can be viewed on the detail page by selecting a day of any task.

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