Search algorithms

This search algorithm automatically corrects typos in a search query. It consists of a few different steps:

1. It will first check whether there are any unknown words in the query

2. Then it will determine the closest match based on the amount of deviating letters. If there's one result that only needs a correction of one letter when the other results require at least two revisions, then that will be the match.

3. If there are multiple results with the same amount of deviant letters, it will go to the next step. This step determines the distance of the keys on a keyboard.

Example: a customer searches for booj. Both book and bool have one wrong letter. The letter k is closer to the j than the letter l is. The match will be book. You will choose the properties that the autocorrection should work with. If you don't want it to search through EAN or product series, you don't add it.

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You can choose which properties should be searched for a match.

Typically, you'll choose the same properties here as you did for your search properties, as you will be searching those next. Most of our customers don't want to perform corrections on product codes and such. We added the possibility to leave certain properties out to facilitate this.

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The Autocorrection search algorithm works with the QWERTY keyboard layout by default. We can change this to another layout. You can then call a different keyboard layout for each of your store views:


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