Search algorithms

This algorithm searches for a match on all search terms in the query on the selected search properties. When you search for red shoe, then only red shoes will show, and no black shoes or red pants. You select the search properties in the algorithm using a dropdown. You can also choose whether one property has priority over the others. The algorithm also takes conjugations into account.


Search properties

The algorithm lets you choose various properties using the dropdown; these are search properties. Search properties are the properties of a product that are allowed to be searched through. You see, Tweakwise doesn't search through all properties by default. The selection of search properties depends on the kind of shop. For example, product namebrandcategoryproduct typecolormaterial, et cetera. Consult the list of most popular search terms to determine which search properties you should use.

You can also add priority to your properties. This allows you to say that a specific property is more important than the others. When a search term appears in a prioritized property, the matching products will get a higher ranking than products that don't match to the prioritized property. The search results always show these matching products above the others. The 'lesser' matching products will follow.

Full Text Rank

When this box is checked, the sorting of products happens using Full Text Rank instead of the selected sorting option. Full Text Rank is an algorithm that calculates a score for each matching product based on relevance. This can be the amount of times that a search term appears in the searched text, or how many conjugations took place before finding a product. When you search for bike, a product whose description contains the word bike will get a higher score than a product that contains the word bikes.


The Fuzzy search algorithm considers conjugations. These are conjugations:

  • Plurals (bike - bikes)
  • Verb conjugations (bikes - biked - biked)
  • Splits (raincoat: rain - coat)
    It will also consider conjugations of the result of this split (rain - rains - rained)

Conjugations are determines based on Microsoft Full Text Forms or Inflectional. They are dependent on the used language (tn_lang). Conjugations only work for existing words. If the query contains symbols other than letters, it will not be conjugated.

Words that start with the search query

Tweakwise won't search for parts of words that can't be separated, for example: When you search for pap, you won't find paprika. This will happen when you check this box.

Note: This function will only work when the seach query contains three or more characters.


The Fuzzy search algorithm considers these conditions regarding set synonyms:

  • Synonyms only work on the product name
  • Synonyms don't work in combination with other terms in the query

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