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Search algorithms
Search algorithms

The Fuzzy search algorithm is the last option in the search funnel. If there are no results for the whole search query, this algorithm will search for all the separate words the query contains. All products that contain one or multiple terms from the query will be selected. You can view the Fuzzy search as a last resort: it's better to show something than nothing!

Full Text Rank

The sorting is done using the Full Text Rank algorithm, and not by a sorting option in Tweakwise. Full Text Rank is an algorithm that determines a relevance-based score for every found product. The relevance is based on the number of terms from the query that appear in the product information, the number of times a certain term appears in the text that is searched, and how many conjugations have been made. When you search for bike, a product that contains 'bike' will score higher than a product that contains 'bikes'. It also considers the distance of the terms, the closer, the higher the ranking.


The Fuzzy search algorithm considers conjugations. These are conjugations:

  • Plurals (bike - bikes)
  • Verb conjugations (bikes - biked - biked)
  • Splits (raincoat: rain - coat)
    It will also consider conjugations of the result of this split (rain - rains - rained)

Conjugations are determines based on Microsoft Full Text Forms or Inflectional. They are dependent on the used language (tn_lang). Conjugations only work for existing words. If the query contains symbols other than letters, it will not be conjugated.


The Fuzzy search algorithm considers these conditions regarding set synonyms:

  • Synonyms only work on the product name
  • Synonyms don't work in combination with other terms in the query

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