- Set Enabled to Yes
To display products when typing a minimum of 3 characters in the search bar that match the search query:
- Set Show products to Yes
For using Suggestions Autocomplete:
- Set Use Suggestions Autocomplete to Yes
In your Tweakwise instance, under Suggestions > Autocomplete, add an Autocomplete rule. After publishing, the suggestions will work.
Please note that depending on the Stay in category setting, you will only receive results if the category matches what is set in Tweakwise.
If Stay in category is off, the Root category of the store must be set in Suggestions Autocomplete in Tweakwise. Otherwise, you will not get any results.
If Stay in category is on, Suggestions Autocomplete must be set to subcategories. If you are in a subcategory in Magento that is not configured in Tweakwise, you will not get any results. If you want the autocomplete to also work on the homepage, you need to set the Root category of the store in Tweakwise.
Om de bovenliggende categorie te tonen bij de suggesties:
- Set Show parent category to Yes
Note: if you want to make changes to the design, you will need to implement them.