
An overview page allows you to easily collect all kinds of attribute landing pages on one page. Such a page could be behind a SEO-friendly, self-made URL. For example, an overview page for brands. This feature is only available in Magento 2. Here's an example of such a page:

magento overview.png


You can manage your overview pages in this location in the CMS:

Magento2 Admin Panel > CMS > Content > section Attribute landingpages > Manage overview pages


You can set various settings for each overview page. This article explains the settings. 

General > Active

Option to turn the overview page on or off.

General > Name

Page name. This is not used anywhere else.

General > URL Path

Indicate behind which URL this overview page should be placed. Only fill in the path, so the URL without the hostname.


The entire URL for the landing page is:

Only fill in the path, which is 'merken' (brands)

General > Active stores (selectie)

Setting to indicate for which store view this landing page should work.

Content > Heading

Option to add the page header. This header is displayed between <H1> tags.

Content > Content above results

Option to add content (with layout) between the header image and the attribute landing page display.

Content > Content below results

Option to add content (with layout) below the attribute landing pages.

SEO > Meta title

This is the page's meta title. This title is placed in the header in the HTML.

SEO > keywords

These are the page's meta keywords. These are placed in the header in the HTML.

SEO > Meta description

The is the page's meta description. This is placed in the header in the HTML.

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