
This guide will help you configure the Magento Tweakwise Attribute Landing Page Extension. Please note that for this extension to work properly, it is important that both extensions are installed:

  • tweakwise/magento2-attributelanding
  • tweakwise/magento2-attribute-landing-tweakwise

You can use the Attribute landing page module when you purchase Tweakwise level Medium or higher. In addition, the Tweakwise Export extension must be on and the within the Tweakwise Master extension ‘Layered Navigation’ must be set to enabled.

Managing attribute landing pages takes place in the following modules:
Content > section Attribute landing pages > Manage pages
Content > section Attribute landing pages > Manage overview pages


What is an Attribute Landing Page?

For marketing campaigns, it is great to introduce URLs behind which a search-engine optimised product overview page becomes visible. Think of special pages for brands or a specific group of products such as round tables.

  • Improve the SEO of your webshop with unique URLs and metadata.
  • Use flexible conditions for adding products to the page.
  • Display custom CMS blocks above or below the product selection.
  • Add landing pages to the sitemap for better visibility
  • Create overview pages such as a page that links to all brands.
  • Create as many landing pages as desired.

Creating an Attribute Landing Page

Go to the Manage pages module and choose to create a new page. In this module, we will go through the different configuration options and what you can set.

First of all, you set up the basic settings for the landing page. In the General module you determine the conditions the landing page must fulfil, how it can be accessed and what the product selection is.






Option to turn this landing page on/off



Setting to indicate which category this landing page works for. You can easily select the appropriate category from the tree structure.
Make sure you select a category that contains products and where you also show products in the shop.


Text field

Internal name of the landing page, it is not used externally.

URL path

Text field

Specify which URL this landing page should appear behind. Specify only the path. So the URL without the domain name. For example: The entire URL for the landing page should be: then display only the path in this field: men/blue/pants.

Filter attributes

Tekst field

The key feature of an attribute landing page is that you get a nice URL to a category page where certain filter values are selected. In this section, you can specify which filter values should be selected. In the ‘Attribute’ column, you need to enter the ‘attribute code’. In the ‘Value’ column, you have to enter the value for the filter to be selected. Here you can only select the filters that are on the filter template in Tweakwise.
The attribute and value text must exactly match the known data. You can find out the attribute code by opening the attribute in the Tweakwise app. The value listed under ‘Property URL name’ is the value you need. You can find out the attribute value by looking at the property value.

Note: If the values do not match exactly or if you have used attributes here that are not present on the filter template, the set-up values will be ignored. The setup is case-sensitive.
Besides feed properties, you can also use derived properties for this functionality. Using the derived properties, you can also select a subset of products yourself.

Hide selected filters


With this option, you can choose not to show the filters you set in Filter attributes on the page. This prevents the visitor from deselecting the filter or clicking more options. If you use the top (Default Category) category under Category, this option should be set to ‘Yes’.

Tweakwise filter template


This setting determines which filter template is used on the page. If you choose ‘Default template’, the template linked to the selected category will be used.

Tweakwise sort template


This setting determines which sorting template is used on the page. If you choose ‘Default template’, the template linked to the selected category will be used.

Active stores


Using this setting, you determine which storeview this landing page works for. You can easily select the right storeview from the tree structure. Multiple select is possible.

Allow link in faceted search


With this setting, you determine whether you also want to cross-link for this landing page. That is, if a visitor uses filtering in the category chosen above and he selects the filters for which this landing page is available, the system will pick up this landing page, with the correct URL. If this feature is off, the correct URL for the landing page will not be used but, depending on the URL Builder Strategy option, the URL will be built. The landing page is then not approachable via the normal category structure. For example: you have created a landing page for blue jeans and the category jeans is filtered on blue then the visitor is led to the landing page when you have 'Allow link in facet search' set to yes.

In the content module, you give the page additional information. You can give the page a special header and add content above and below the product selection. Think of text, products and all the other possibilities offered by Magento's Page editor.

The SEO module allows you to make specific SEO setups for the landing page created.




Canonical URL

Text field

You can decide which canonical URL should be shown for this landing page. If you leave this field blank, the canonical URL will be the same as the URL specified in the General module.

Meta title

Text field

Give the page a meta title. This title is placed in the header of the HTML

Meta keywords

Text field

Give the page meta keywords. These are put down in the header in the HTML.

Meta description

Text field

Give the page a meta description. This is put down in the header in the HTML.


Overview page

It is possible to present this landing page on an overview page. An overview page is a page that links to several landing pages. You can give the page an image with image, which is displayed on the overview page.

Creating an Overview Page

An overview page allows you to easily collect all kinds of attribute landing pages on one page. Such a page can again be made visible behind an SEO-friendly, self-determined URL. Think, for example, of an overview page for brands.

Go to the module manages overview pages and choose ‘add new page’.

First of all, you set up the basic settings for the landing page. In the General module, you determine which conditions the landing page must fulfil, how it can be accessed and what the product selection is.






Option to turn this page on/off


Text field

Internal name of the page, it is not used externally.

URL path

Text field

Specify which URL this page should appear behind. Specify only the path. So the URL without the domain name. For example: The entire URL for the page should be: then display only the path in this field: brands.

Active stores


Using this setting, you determine which storeview this page works for. You can easily select the correct storeview from the tree structure. Multiple select is possible.

In the content module, you give the page additional information. You can give the page a special header and add content above and below the product selection. Think of text, products and all the other possibilities offered by Magento's Page editor.

The SEO module allows you to do specific SEO setups for the created overview page.




Meta title

Text field

Give the page a meta title. This title is placed in the header of the HTML.

Meta keywords

Text field

Give the page meta keywords. These are put down in the header in the HTML.

Meta description

Text field

Give the page a meta description. This is put down in the header in the HTML.


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