
The product list on your website can appear as a long list of products to your visitor. To make the product page more visually appealing, you can use 'Visuals' in the Builder, which is part of the Content package. This ensures that visual elements are added to the product overview. For example, as shown in the image below.
Visual Anneloes.png

To use Visuals in the Builder, you can contact your Customer Success Manager.

First, it is necessary to add these Visuals to the feed. Read here how you can do that:

Once the data is in the feed, inform your Customer Success Manager so that configurations can be prepared.

When the configuration is ready, you can easily add Visuals in the Builder.

To do this, go to the module Merchandising -> Builder -> Open the template you want to modify. Here you will find the Visual component. Drag it onto the grid and select the Visual you want to use. -> Place the component in the desired location -> Select which promotion you want to use.

Grid Builder Visual EN 2.png

Once you have saved the template, you can link it to the category for which you want to use this template. Go to Catalog -> Categories -> Select the desired category -> Choose the desired template under Merchandising Builder.

Catalogus Visuals EN.png

This functionality works out-of-the-box in our JavaScript implementation. For implementing this functionality via API, please refer to our documentation.
The feature is available in Magento from version:

  • Magento2Tweakwise v8.1.0
  • Magento2TweakwiseHyva v4.1.0

We have described the documentation on the values used at Item types (, and the implementation of Visuals is described via Visual in lister pages ( .

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