
There may be certain search suggestions that you do not want to see. You can easily remove them by placing them on the blacklist. To do this, click the black flame icon:

zoekzinsuggestie blacklist EN.png

NOTE: the search suggestion will not be removed from the list of established suggestions.

Welke suggesties er op de blacklist staan kan je inzien in de submodule Suggesties > Blacklist suggesties. Je kan daar ook handmatig een zoekopdracht aan de blacklist toevoegen. Dat kan eventueel met wildcards. Met een wildcard kun je bijvoorbeeld alle suggesties die een bepaalde term bevatten in één keer op de blacklist zetten. Dit doe je door middel van een asterisk (*).

You can see which suggestions are on the blacklist in the Suggestions > Blacklist suggestions submodule. You can add search terms to the blacklist manually there as well. Optionally, you can use a wildcard. A wildcard allows you to place, for example, all suggestions that contain a certain term on the blacklist at once. You can do this using an asterisk (*):

Example: you want to blacklist the suggestion 'book'. This gives you the following options:

book: everything that matches 'book' exactly

book*: everything that starts with 'book'

*book: everything that ends with 'book'

NOTE: Blacklist suggestions do not work for manual suggestions. If you added a manual suggestions and also put it on the blacklist (for example by using a wildcard), then it will still be shown.

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