
If you've got a long list of redirects, it might be convenient to import them all at once. You can do this by supplying a file to our Support department ( The file that you're supplying needs to meet a few conditions.Download the template. It needs to be a .CSV or .XLSX and it needs to contain the following columns:

volgorde zoekwoord eigenschapId redirect categorieid RedirectTypeId


1 openingstijd   /openingstijden 1000 0 TRUE
1 contact   /contact 1000 0 FALSE
1   1234 /[brand] 1000 1 FALSE

Always fill in 1 for volgorde. Under zoekwoorden, fill in the search term for which you want to set up a redirect. If you choose a redirect based on a property, you can leave this field empty. In that case, fill in the property ID of the property for the redirect under eigenschapId. Fill in the URL path (without the domain) under redirect. Next, fill in the category ID of the category in which the redirect should be triggered under categorieId. That means that visitors can only be redirected if they're in this category while searching for the term. This works with the inheritance principle: the redirect will be triggered in all child categories. Fill in 0 under RedirectTypeId if this is a redirect based on a search term. Fill in 1 if it's a redirect based on a property.
For RedirectInflectional, enter FALSE if you do not use conjugations for the redirect and TRUE if you do use conjugations for the redirect. 

You can find the category ID in the Categories submodule. The Category ID is behind the name of the selected category.

You can add additional search terms for the same redirect as separate lines. Tweakwise merges the lines into one redirect.

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