
In the Catalog > Categories module, the category tree can be found. This category tree is taken one-to-one from the feed. This is often the same as the category tree in your webshop. If you want to change something here it has to be done in the feed, you can't do that in the Tweakwise app itself.Categorie Merchandising Builder EN.png

Once you click on a category, the menu appears to the right of the category tree. This article will explain various components from this module:

  1. Category name and category ID
    At the very top you will find the name of the category with the category ID behind it
  2. Using the category
    The second option is the use of the category, with the check mark you can indicate if Tweakwise should be active for this particular category. By default this is set to active.
    Note! If you turn this off for a certain category it means that you will no longer use Tweakwise filters and sortings there.
  3. Filter template
    Choose the desired filter template for the category in question. If you don't choose this then the template of the parent category will be used. This will be visible because the text --use of parent- is filled in.
  4. Sorting template
    Choose the desired sorting template for the relevant category. If you do not choose the template of the parent category will be used. This is also shown by the fact that it says --use of parent-.
  5. Personal Merchandising (Optional feature)
    Choose the desired personal merchandising template for the relevant category.
    Note: Inheritance is not used for this. So if there is no template linked, there is also no other template in use. 

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